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After installation, you can publish the configuration file using the following command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SequentSoft\ThreadFlow\Laravel\ServiceProvider"

This command will create a thread-flow.php configuration file in the config directory of your Laravel application.

Example of the contents of this file
'channels' => [
    'my-telegram-channel' => [
        'driver' => 'telegram',
        'session' => env('THREAD_FLOW_SESSION', 'database'),
        'dispatcher' => env('THREAD_FLOW_DISPATCHER', 'sync'),
        'entry' => \App\ThreadFlow\Pages\IndexPage::class,
        'api_token' => env('TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN', null),
        'webhook_secret' => env('TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK_SECRET', null),
        'timeout' => 30,
        'limit' => 100,

'sessions' => [
    'database' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        'model' => \SequentSoft\ThreadFlow\Laravel\Models\ThreadFlowSession::class,

    'cache' => [
        'driver' => 'cache',
        'store' => env('THREAD_FLOW_SESSION_CACHE_STORE', null),
        'max_lock_seconds' => 10,
        'max_lock_wait_seconds' => 15,

    'array' => [
        'driver' => 'array',

'dispatchers' => [
    'sync' => [
        'driver' => 'sync',
    'queue' => [
        'driver' => 'queue',
        'queue' => env('THREAD_FLOW_QUEUE', 'default'),


Contains a list of all channels that you want to use in your application. Each channel has a unique key that you can use to reference it in your application.

You can use any key you want, and it does not have to match the name of the channel. For example, you can use the my-telegram-channel key to reference the Telegram channel in your application.


The driver option specifies the driver that should be used for the channel. Yoy can use all installed drivers. For example, you can use the telegram driver for the Telegram channel.


More information about drivers you can find Drivers Page.


The session option specifies the session store that should be used for the channel. Available session stores: database, cache, array or any custom configured session store.


More information about sessions you can find Sessions Page.


The dispatcher option specifies the dispatcher that should be used for the channel. Available dispatchers: sync and queue.


More information about dispatchers you can find Dispatchers Page.


The entry option specifies the entry page that should be used for the channel. This is the first page that will be displayed to the user when he starts the conversation.

Other settings

Other settings are specific to the driver you are using. For example, for the Telegram driver, you can use the api_token, webhook_secret, timeout and limit options.