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Updating Messages

Updating messages is a way to update the content of a message that has been sent.

For example, you can update the text of a message, or the keyboard of a message with a keyboard. It is useful with inline keyboards, when you want to change the keyboard after the user has clicked on a button.

Update text

You can update the text of outgoing messages using the update method if the message was sent using the reply method:

protected ?OutgoingMessageInterface $counterMessage = null;

protected int $counter = 0;

public function show()
    return $this->counterMessage = TextOutgoingMessage::make(
        'Hello, world! First time'

public function answer(IncomingMessageInterface $message)
        "Hello, world! You have clicked {$this->counter} times"

Update keyboard

You can update the keyboard of outgoing messages using the update method if the message was sent using the reply method:

protected ?OutgoingMessageInterface $message = null;

public function show()
    return $this->message = TextOutgoingMessage::make('Hello!')
                Button::text('Click me', 'click'),

public function answer(IncomingMessageInterface $message)
            Button::text('Clicked', 'clicked'),

Add reaction

You can add a reaction to the message using the addReaction method:

use SequentSoft\ThreadFlowTelegram\Enums\Messages\EmojiReaction;

public function answer(IncomingMessageInterface $message)